Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Full Summer

I just finished 2 and a half months of ministry in SW Florida at Corral Ridge Baptist Church.  It was an amazing opportunity to step aside from school an dive deep into ministry for a short time. It was at the same church that I fulfilled my internship for Moody and was mentored by Pastor Barry Crohn. The internship experience was remarkable and when face with what to do with the time before leaving for Costa Rica the Holy Spirit pressed on my heart to pray about Corral Ridge. To make a long story short it was from there that it all worked out for me to go to Cape Coral, FL and help out in the church. The time was full with teaching and preaching opportunities in all areas of the Church. I began the summer with helping the missions team prepare for their trip to Nicaragua. God used experience from previous missions trips and my time as a camp counselor to help in training the team for their trip. While they were gone I held down the camp and preached from Exodus. Then two exciting studies exuded from then on. First, was an exciting study of Lamentations on Wednesday nights for the Adults and the Second was a church wide study of Galatians on Sundays. The Galatians study was invigorating!! Pastor and I team preached on Sunday morning and evening, then combined with the sunday school classes the entire book was covered verse by verse. This study took 6 weeks as the whole church divide head first into Galatians. Needless to say, all who were involved learned and grew so much. Corral Ridge went above and beyond to include me into their family and shower me with love. Overall, this was a great experience of ministry, friends and growing in the LORD. 

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